Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Maybe I Should Have Thought Twice About the Fancy Soap

So I'm working with Lily on the proper way to wash her hands.  You don't realize how complicated this simple task is until you try to teach it to a 3yo.  "Push up your sleeves"  "Turn on the water"  "Get some soap on your hands"  "Not too much soap"  "Rub your hands together lots and lots to get all the pee pee germs off"  "Okay okay now rinse!"  "STOP RINSING!"

Yeah, it just seems to take forever.  

But the other problem is that I'm sometimes lazy I don't always have a minute to drop what I'm doing and go into the bathroom to supervise pee-pee-and-hand-washing time.  So while she's pretty good at going to the bathroom on her own, I have discovered that she's not so great at unsupervised hand washing.  Jesse actually brought it to my attention.

"Uh, do you know how long Lily's been washing her hands?  I think she used half the bottle of soap."  Oy veh.

So he thought maybe I should buy some bar soap.  They seem messier to me... but then at least I don't have to wonder if Lily is dumping 4 ounces of soap down the drain.  And lucky for me, on this particular day, I was heading out to run some errands and hit the dentist by myself.  I added "buy soap" to the list.

The guy at the fancy soap booth in the BX probably saw me coming.  I've seen him before and wondered about the soaps... also there are about a thousand to choose from and they all smell AMAZING.  And to top it off, a fellow hippie in the area told me they were made from good quality ingredients.  

He had me at shea butter and essential oils.  Maybe he forgot to mention that there are other strange chemicals/additives in there, but it seemed like a legit, hippie-approved ingredient list.

And according to the vendor, they're made by the oldest soap making company in France, Bubbles Oh La La!

I'm not even going to tell you how much I spent on them in case I'd end up embarrassing myself for getting robbed by a soap vendor.  (does 6 for $25 sound about right?)  But what I am going to tell you is that they smell amazing and leave your hands feeling heavenly.   My favorites are lavender, muscat grape, and rose!

And what I'm also going to tell you is that this lovely smell is not lost on my children.  In fact, they're obsessed with "the new soap."  Almost to the point that I regret buying it!

People, if I thought those two little Monkeys took a lot of potty breaks before OH MY was I wrong.

The other day I literally heard LJ say "I have to go potty to use the pretty new soap"  and of course she changed her tune when I was like WHOA are you going potty TO GO POTTY or to use the soap???  "Oh I have to go potty Momma!" Riiiiiight.

Yep, washing our hands has been elevated right up there with eating cookies on Double Trouble's list of "top ten things I want to do all day"... It's cute.  And annoying.  But at least they have clean hands!

Sweet smelling soap.

Sweet smelling babies.

It's the little things that make life so sweet!


  1. pretty sure if you were looking for cheaper, you should have stuck with the liquid soap (maybe even watered it down a tad) and told them ONE PUMP! But it does make for a cute story on the blog! love yous!

    1. Oh why didn't I think of just watering down the soap. DUH. (when the pretty bars run out that's what we'll do haha) But yeah I do think it's a funny story.

  2. I love that last picture of Sam! And I love all of the pretty soaps! It sounds about how much Bath and Body Works sells soaps for these, I'd say your good...and if not at least your kiddos are learning good hygiene! :)

    1. I'd say I'm good IF he was telling the truth about the fact that there's no strange/bad ingredients! *ignorance is bliss*

  3. Hahaha, ohh, that's great...gotta love those kiddos!

    1. Yep. They're cute until about 10am when we've already washed our hands 15 times ;o) I kid. Sort of.

  4. When I saw the bubbles in Sam's mouth in the last pic, I thought I was going to read that she was also eating it. Whew.

    I <3 nice soap!

    1. Oh yeah well I totally wouldn't put it past her but no, she hasn't sampled any yet. (Don't give her any ideas!)

  5. is lilbear standing on the floor? one yr ago she could NOT reach the water on her own! ACCKKKK!
    and samalam wasn't even thinking about washing her hands!

    The soap looks great!

    1. Yep! Standing on the floor like a great big girl! She usually uses the stool but Sam is shorter so she gets first dibs during photo shoots ;o) And she can reach much easier downstairs where the sink is smaller. She can't quite turn the water OFF upstairs without help... so that could be problematic hehe
