Monday, May 13, 2013

The Perfect Grandma-Gift for Mother's Day (or Any Day)

This simple artwork-craft is what I whipped up for Mom and Toni for Mother's Day.  

I used Megan's idea from the fall Pinterest Party... cutting out sections of your kids' artwork makes it much easier to display and save bits and pieces without have too much clutter around.  And I'm all about decreasing clutter.  Plus it created a compact version of each girl's work for the grandmas to enjoy.  

Since I generally save and date the mini-masterpieces, I had plenty for two 5x7's for each Grandma plus extra for myself for my end of the year collage project for our home.  Super easy and simple.  

And from what I hear, very meaningful to two special Moms in our lives.  
Happy Mother's Day again to Gigi and Gram!  


  1. This is a really cute idea!! I think I'm going to have to steal it for next year!

  2. I am so glad to have such great art representing their fun! Thanks so very much, Jess.
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