Wednesday, October 23, 2013

First Day of School! First Day of School! (I've Had Nemo's Voice in My Head All Week.. You're Welcome)

You guys.  I feel like this just happened.  And it was about this time of year, too.  I was a big pumpkin belly for Halloween the day I was in labor with Lily four years ago.  And now... NOW..

SHE'S THIS BIG!  I can't believe it!  MAKE IT STOP!

And she's all "let's walk to German kindergarten and hang out without Mommy for 4 hours and have a complete blast and be in the best mood EVER."  No big deal.

I did a really good job holding myself together and being the cool mom who will not cry, I will not cry, I will not cry. At last not until AFTER I dropped her off ;o)  I was feeling pretty nostalgic on the walk home.  

It takes us 20 minutes to walk at Lily's pace, down our hill and into the village, then up the hill that the kindergarten is on.  I can see the location from our living room windows.  (At my pace, without a child or a stroller, it only takes 15 minutes)  It's a nice walk!  I look forward to doing it often, as long as the weather allows.

Sammy was less bothered by Lily's morning absence than expected (read: not obnoxiously clingy) but I think it helped that Aunt Steph was here and that Mommy made cookies :o)

I'm so thankful Steph's still here for this transition because the Mercedes is down for the count again and on the days I need to drive J to work so I can have the car, it's so nice that I don't have to hustle BOTH kids downstairs to the car at 7:30am!

It'll take some time, but we're slowly getting the hang of having quicker breakfasts, packing lunches, and starting the day earlier than usual.  I think I'm going to like this routine!  I have to arm myself with some pinteresting ideas for easy and healthy "fast food" breakfasts/lunches.  But all in all, we're figuring it out.  And it's fun!  

Lily LOVES school.  I'm so glad!  Even if it makes me a tiny bit sad that she's so big now!  I guess growing up is the whole point, after all. 


  1. It's so crazy how fast it goes!!!! We are almost there with Titus and it's insane!

  2. so weird - I just got a print of that pumpkin belly picture in the mail! I <3 Martin Luther! I can't believe she's so big!!!

    1. Aw that's awesome! I love that picture... especially because I can remember how the contractions were feeling by the look on my face ;o) Ah, such *sweet* memories.

  3. Ps I have a board on Pinterest called Hungry Kids that has great ideas for feeding kids. Check it out!!

    1. Thanks so much! I will definitely check that out.

  4. Look at that beauty!! I love the picture of her at the door!! ...And, all of a sudden, they are little kids. Love it! Aunt Cass
