Sunday, October 20, 2013

Four Steps that Got Me to My New Haircut

I got my hair cut.  Short.  You can skip to the bottom of the post if you're really impatient and want to see the new do rightthissecond ;o)

But it all started about six months before we moved to Germany when I thought it would be a good idea to color my hair black.  I like to experiment.  That was a bad one.

So Step #1 = Color your hair black.  It wasn't bad because I hated the color... it was bad because I had to color it OFTEN (brown roots show up the worst!) and then when I got bored of black, Nina refused any drastic methods of coloring it brown again.  (i.e. she [thankfully] refused to bleach it so it would all be one color because she wouldn't ruin my hair)

So as Nina was helping me grow out the black (Step #2) by periodic highlights and a brownish-red at the roots, I'd been thinking for awhile that it'd be nice not to color my hair at all.  It doesn't seem like a very hippie-crunchy-earth-momma thing to do (chemical baths to my scalp and all)... and the other thing that was annoying was that the black line was pretty obvious as it grew out.

So I decided a cut was in order.  It just made sense.  The easiest way to grow out my natural hair color without it being super obvious.

But I wasn't ready to go from super super long to super super short, so I went in stages...

To commemorate the end of the longest hair I've had since high school, Kirsten did a mini photo shoot for me out by the rose bushes!

Thanks Kirsten for making me look and feel like a rock star for the morning!

So the long hair is nice.  It's my favorite way to keep my hair... mostly because it's easy.  I can go days without washing it, it braids nice, it goes up in clips nice, and it makes me feel pretty.  But let's be honest - I never left it down, it was damaged, and I was bored.  

Bye bye long hair.  Step #3 = Cut #1

Apparently my Dad isn't the only one super partial to my loooooong hair... I practically had to hold Nina's hand and FORCE her to make the first cut!  Bye bye long hair and bye bye black hair color at the ends!  It was fine at this length but not quite what I wanted!  (PS photo credit to me - first successful self-portraits in awhile!)

Ready for the short cut?  Ready?  READY?






Step #4 = I FINALLY DID IT!  I've wanted to go this short for a long time but I always chicken out!  Not this time baby! (photo credit to Steph, edits by me)

I LOVE IT!  It's a super-fun-controlled-mess and it's way easier than I expected... I was afraid short hair would require a lot of styling each day.  Not true!  In fact, it's even better to start with bedhead because I just wet, gel, and GO!

I was also a little afraid that a short cut would make me look too boyish... less feminine.  Also not true!  I feel playful, sassy, and still plenty girly!  The flowery hair accessories help ;o)  Plus I'm all about eye makeup, earrings, and high heels lately.

Did I mention how easy this style is for me?  EASY!  I was so so so glad I cut it before the beach, because man is short beach hair the best.  

So there you go everyone - the hair pics!  Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go purge myself of all this narcissism by wiping the butts of my tiny humans and changing out of sweat pants.  


  1. EEEEEEE!!!!! (: I love the new photos of it short!!!! I also really love how you style it. So freaking perfect. You are my hero J.

  2. P.S. Are the bottom pics post island??? Because you look SUPER tan!

  3. LOVE IT!!!!! That's always how I want my short hair to look and it never quite does. Those pics give me the urge again....must fight it!!! Short hair is definitely awesome for it's easiness. You pull off sassy well!!! Love ya!!

  4. I like it. And you look more like your mom now!

  5. it's really super-cute and shows off your bazillions of earrings! is it back to your 'natural' color or is this still growing out? I agree that you pull off sassy very well!

    1. I'm still growing out the color a little but I think it will only take a couple more months before it's all my normal hair color again. I can't even remember what it looks like! Remember that fateful day we bought the silly comb in highlight kit that started me on this whole coloring adventure? ;o) Good times.

  6. I just wish I could reach across the ocean and squeeze ya. :) You are SO beautiful!

    Much love chica!!
