Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween from the Aiduks!

Morning from Germany and Happy Halloween!  Did you guys carve your Jack 'O Lantern, yet?  

I think this is the first "real" time I've done pumpkin carving with the girls.  I've usually been too busy   thought they wouldn't enjoy it   didn't really want to   made excuses ;o)  But this year the Commissary had them right out front calling my name "Jessica, stop being a party-pooper and get your kids a pumpkin!"  Fiiiiine.

They "helped" us get the pulp and seeds out...

Then we roasted seeds and I called them "pumpkin chips" (and loaded them with salt) so of course they were gobbled up in less than 12 hours!

After Mrs. Pumpkin had her face (the same face I always make for pumpkins... I think I need to branch out) the girls gave her hair and other random squiggly decor.

The smell and feel of this particular Halloween activity took me back to my childhood and strongly reminded me of my Dad (hi Dad!) who was always the wielder of the chef's knife and the great Carver-Man.  I love when simple traditions remind me of family.  

Happy happy Halloween to y'all!  Check out my spooky fire post over at Jesse's Girl Photography!  Have a blast doing whatever it is you're going to do today!


  1. yeah - it was 2 years ago when you were home in (early) October that your parents 'carved' a pumpkin with Lily - - I don't think Sammy even got her fingers in that one! and don't beat yourself up about never doing this one thing with them - - it's not like you never do *anything* fun with them in the fall!!!
