Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Birthday to Lillian Jayce!

Ahhh, the many faces of Miss Lily.  She's really into mimicking silly faces lately.  I love all her faces, and all her crazy moods.  (Well, MOST of her crazy moods.  Side eye to four year old tantrums! But it's her birthday so we won't talk about those...)

I can't believe she's four.  Four seems so... old.  Four is almost five.  Five is pretty much ten.  And after ten don't they just grow right up and move out of the house?  GAH!

Here's her birthday interview:

1.  Favorite color:  Blue  (still.  Going almost two years strong on that one I think!)

2.  Favorite movie:  "Dinosaur Movie" (Land Before Time)

3.  Favorite toy:  "Little Foot" (a teddy bear named for the favorite movie.  Little Foot, though a boy in the movie, is a girl in teddy bear form... and wears pink pants.) 

4.  Favorite song: "Jump on my shoulders" (at this point I think she might be messing with me and my little quiz here... but Awolnation IS one of my favorite bands to play when we needs some lively "good morning music" haha)

5.  Favorite book:  "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"  (Okay, now she's really messing with me.  Good thing this quiz is short.  In her defense, we DO have a book about the song.  But come on, THAT's her favorite? ;o) Who knows.  She also loves Fancy Nancy, The Little Engine that Could, and No More Jumping on the Bed.)

She's so awesome.  Curious about the world around her, learning more and more each day.  She loves German kindergarten and is so proud that she walks all the way there and back most days!

I'll try not to tear up too much, but there's just something about that face.  The face of the one who made me a mother.  It doesn't matter how old her gets, I look into those eyes and I remember the hours spent in her first weeks and months of life... hours just staring into that beautiful face.

Excuse me while I go kiss the crap out of her.

Seriously though no more sappy stories, we have a big day of all things BLUE and FUN planned for this sweet girl!  Happy Birthday Lily-Bear, Lily-Billy, Lily-Jayce, LJ, Lily, LILLIAN.  We love you so much!


  1. I LOVE the faces collage!!! It turned out so awesome!!!!! You should be so proud of raising two beautiful fun loving daughters. :) I hope LJ's day is BLUE-tastic and full of birthday festivities. Happy Birthday Lilly-Billy!!! Auntie Kiss-iss & Uncle D love you!

    1. Awww thanks for being like the best AF auntie ever. The BLUE-tastic day was even better thanks to your BEAUTIFUL cupcakes! I'm so glad I outsourced to a pro! XOXO

  2. GIGI LOVES YOU SO MUCH, LILY!!!! Happy Birthday to you!

  3. Oh my gosh. She's too precious. She's a little girl now not a baby!!!! So crazy. Happy birthday, Lily!

    1. Right? Remember when she was just a giant ball in my belly? Time FLIES.

  4. Ahhh, this is just...touching. What a cutie, and growing up so beautiful, just like her mother. :)

    1. Don't make me blush! Thanks for following so closely and for always commenting girl. It means a lot!

  5. these pictures! great colors, great expressions. happy birthday Lily!
