Friday, November 8, 2013

The Four-Year-Old

I can't believe it's already been a week since Lil's birthday!  We had a blast and here are some pics of the day's fun. Steph offered to be my photographer for the day and it was so great to NOT be carrying my camera around.  

She did this neat project with Lily where she had her hold up her new number at all the locations and for all the fun we had.  Lily is so obsessed with holding up her number that she often incorrectly answers pretty much any question asked by holding up her fingers.  "Hey Lily, how are you?"  *holds up four fingers*  "Hi there, what's your name?"  *four fingers*  

Sweet girl.  So excited to be four!

As you can see, we enjoyed the crap out of our day.  There was sugar.  There were presents.  There were blue foods and blue clothes.  And sugar.  There was an indoor pool trip.  There was a play place visit.  There was more sugar.  Did I mention the sugar?  We even ended the night with a bowl of ice cream!

And the four-year-old was happy.  Very very happy :o)


  1. Happy happy birthday beautiful Lily. 4 is a very important age to be. What a fun day!

  2. I love the 4 montage!!!! SO GREAT! My fave is the one of her head on in high contrast BW with the serious face and the four fingers. Like "Hey world. four. that is all." :) Such a beautiful day.... you are a wonderful mom. Someday both of them will look back and talk about what a fantastic mother you were for making their birthdays such a special affair every year! :)

  3. haha - Kirsten, I don't know for sure what "high contrast BW" means, but I love love LOVE the caption you gave that picture!

    Hey world. four. that is all (that matters). and I totally and completely agree that they will look back and remember how fun you made their b-days, Jess! And then you can look back at the YUMMO cupcakes Aunt Kiss-is contributed to this particular lovely day and smile remembering what good friends you made along the way!

  4. My favorite is the one of her sliding and not even looking at the camera...but she didn't forget "4" even in that moment. omg I can't believe it. She was 2 when I left. :( this is craziness.
