"My whole name is Lillian Jayce Aiguk and Sam's whole name is Sam-ian Jordan Aiguk!"
"Mommy! At school there's a boy named 'Yo High Ness' (Your Highness)"
me: "Um, do you mean Johannes?" (pronounced yo-HAH-nes)
Laying in the sun, she says: "I'm gonna get a tan-burn!"
"My belly hurts, it's going to have a baby soon!" (first food baby after a brunch of treats AND hot chocolate!)
"MOM. Today I want to be the boss of YOU, okay? Just for today." (After a particularly rough morning in Momville when I had the nerve to require that she and Sam help me put their laundry away)
Crepes = "creepies" as in "Can I please have some more cinnamon-sugar creepies?"
me: "Sam, stop eating the egg shells!"
Lily: "Why not? They're like chips!"
me: "I'm going to make lunch soon."
Lily: "Okay! Make it YUMMY!"
Dad: "Hey Sam I like your bandana!"
Sam: (incredulously) "I'M not a BANANA!"
"Can we go to the zoo to see lions and tigers and triceratops?"
We have this cool book called The Busy Body Book (amazon affiliate link here)
I hope you got a little laugh out of these two crazy monkeys! Have a great day from our house to yours!
LOVE those beautiful, funny, and smart grand littles!
We love you too Gram!!!